Real-Time Tracking and Visibility: Enhancing Customer Experience with Delivery Updates 

What is Real-Time Tracking?

Real-time tracking is a cutting-edge technology that allows businesses and customers to monitor the progress of their shipments in real-time. It provides up-to-the-minute information about the current location, estimated delivery time, and any status updates. This level of visibility empowers customers with the knowledge they need to plan and anticipate the arrival of their packages.

The Evolution of Real-Time Tracking

Real-time tracking has come a long way, transforming traditional logistics practices. It all started with the advent of barcode technology, which enabled package scanning and tracking at different stages of the delivery process. As technology advanced, the introduction of GPS and mobile communication further enhanced tracking capabilities, providing precise location data and seamless communication between drivers, dispatchers, and customers. 

Enhancing Customer Experience 

Real-time tracking brings several benefits that significantly enhance the customer experience. Here are some key advantages:

  • Peace of Mind: With real-time tracking, customers can track their packages from the moment they are picked up until they reach their destination. This visibility instills confidence and peace of mind, reducing anxiety and uncertainty.
  • Accurate info on planned Delivery Attempts: Real-time tracking provides customers with accurate estimated delivery times, allowing them to plan accordingly and ensure someone is available to receive the package. This feature minimises missed deliveries and improves overall customer satisfaction.
  • Proactive Issue Resolution: In the event of any delays or issues, real-time tracking enables proactive communication between the logistics provider and the customer. Customers can be promptly informed about any changes or disruptions and be provided with alternative solutions, ensuring a smooth and satisfactory delivery experience.
  • Transparency and Trust: Real-time tracking fosters transparency and builds trust between the logistics provider and the customer. By keeping customers informed throughout the delivery process, businesses demonstrate their commitment to open communication and reliable service. 

What is BIZ Track iT?  

BIZ Track iT is a cutting-edge tracking technology that empowers both businesses and customers with real-time insights into the status and location of their shipments. With BIZ Track iT, you can stay informed about the progress of your deliveries, ensuring peace of mind and seamless coordination. 

Introducing BIZ Track iT   

At BIZ, we have taken real-time tracking to the next level with our proprietary tracking solution. With us, you can enjoy the following benefits:  

  • Unparalleled Visibility: It offers real-time visibility not only into the whereabouts of your shipments, but also during their processing at our HUBs throughout the EU. You can easily access accurate and up-to-date information about their current location, Last Mile depot contact details, planned delivery attempts and a full history of status updates and changes.
  • Multilingual Support: Language should never be a barrier to effective tracking. We offer multilingual support in English, Greek, Spanish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Austrian German, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, French, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Turkish. Track your shipments in the language you are most comfortable with.
  • Proactive Issue Resolution: At BIZ, we understand that unexpected issues can arise during the delivery process. That is why BIZ Track iT includes helpful features such as the “Report a Problem” or ‘Share’ button. If you encounter any issues or have concerns about your delivery, simply click on the button, fill the specialised form in your language of preference, and our dedicated customer support team will promptly assist you, ensuring quick and efficient issue resolution. 

Unlock the Power of Real-Time Tracking with BIZ Track iT LIVE 

With us, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have complete control and visibility over your shipments. Say goodbye to uncertainties and proactively manage your logistics operations. Experience the benefits of real-time tracking and elevate your customer experience to new heights. As part of our commitment to transparency and convenience, we are excited to announce an upcoming feature which will allow you to track your shipments. The first quarter of 2024, we will be introducing a new functionality to BIZ Track iT LIVE that will allow you to view the real-time location of our BIZ Courier drivers. This groundbreaking enhancement will provide you with live updates on the progress of your deliveries, ensuring an even more seamless and convenient experience.  Simply enter your BIZ voucher code (typically with SWS) on our website, and instantly discover the real-time progress of your shipment. It is that easy! Experience the convenience and peace of mind that comes with our seamless tracking solution. No need to explore or navigate through complex systems. With Track iT, you can quickly access the information you need and stay informed about your shipment’s status at any time.

Take advantage of our transformative tracking solution today by visiting: BIZ Track iT. Start tracking with ease and stay connected with your shipment every step of the way.  

At BIZ Courier & Logistics S.A., we are firmly committed to providing innovative solutions that empower businesses and exceed customer expectations. Stay tuned for future updates as we continue to lead the logistics industry with cutting-edge technologies.