Надеждният доставчик на услуги Fulfillment за Вашия бизнес.

  • BIZ развива дейност в доставките на „последната миля“ от 2005 г., а в сектора „Fulfillment“ от 2011 г.
  • От 2013 г. насам ние успешно сме доставили повече от 5 милиона колета на общо 16 европейски пазара и понастоящем обработваме 130 000 поръчки за доставки всеки месец (60% се отнася за изпълнение на поръчки и 40% за доставки на „последната миля“ или приемане на доставки от пунктовете за обслужване в цяла Европа)
  • Повечето от тези доставки се заплащат с наложен платеж.

BIZ от 2013 г

0 +
Доставени пратки
0 %
Наложен платеж
0 Countries
В рамките на ЕС
0 Deliveries
Всеки месец

Нашата история

Да се запази един клиент, изисква същите умения, както и да се намери и спечели.

Нашата компания стартира от нулата в центъра на Атина, през 2005 г. Първите предоставяни от BIZ услуги, бяха услуги за доставка и събиране на плащания, в по-широкия столичен район на Атина.

Основателят и Главен Изпълнителен Директор на BIZ Courier & Logistics S.A., Paul A. Duff , е роден в Обединеното кралство, но от юношеска възраст живее в Гърция. Той стартира бизнеса в дома си, извършвайки доставки и събиране на плащания, за малък брой клиенти, със собствените си мотоциклети Aprilia Pegasus 650cc и Honda Varadero 1000cc.

Благодарение на лоялността на клиентите си и исренния си стремеж да разшири BIZ, Paul си поставя за цел да разрасне бизнеса си и да го направи надеждна гръцка куриерска компания. Впоследствие се наемат първите служители и сътрудници и след няколко години BIZ предлага на своите клиенти забележителни услуги в цяла Гърция. Последиците от икономическата криза от 2008 г. шокираха гръцката икономика и през 2011 г. BIZ, желаейки да разшири своите услуги, се изправя пред голямо предизвикателство: предоставяне на ефективни, икономически изгодни услуги Fulfillment на чуждестранни компании, които възнамеряват да навлязат в гръцкия пазар.

Бързият растеж на електронната търговия е важен фактор за ускоряване на по-нататъшното развитие на Fulfillment услугите на BIZ. Оттогава BIZ непрекъснато се развива и разширява, създавайки европейска мрежа от Fulfillment центрове, започвайки от Кипър и след това Испания, Италия, Унгария, България и сега Германия (2021 г.), която предлага широк спектър от Fulfillment услуги, поръчки и решения за доставки на „последната миля“ .


We have worked with several courier companies and we have not encountered the level of service at Biz Courier elsewhere. Prompt and efficient communication with our customers and our team. Problems that may arise are resolved quickly, with courtesy in a professional manner. Congratulations, keep up the good work.

Panos Tzitzinos

Candelinas br Owner & Founder


We've been using BIZ Courier as our fulfillment facility in Hungary and we're highly satisfied with their services. The immediate support and assistance they provide are outstanding. We never have to worry about any delays in our orders, and their delivery speeds are impressive. BIZ Courier has exceeded our expectations, and we highly recommend their services to any business looking for a reliable and efficient fulfillment solution in Europe.

Nikos Bougas

Loop Media br Digital Marketing Manager


In our collaboration with BIZ Courier, we have been and continue to be impressed by their professionalism, their fast and efficient approach to work. We wish to see BIZ Courier grow their business in Europe and are convinced that they offer a truly innovative approach to courier services & logistics.

Thomas Kloos

.kloss br CEO


Our reason for choosing BIZ Courier was made on the basis of their extremely prompt service. Right from the start, we realized that they were truly professional and, of course, have responded to our every need to the fullest extent possible.

Thanks again BIZ Courier for an impeccable collaboration.

Warm regards,

Alexandros Velivasakis

CANDIA br Digital Marketing Specialist


Trustful and fast working company. Recommended especially for their high level of professionalism in their services.

A partner you can rely on!!

Vasiliki Hatzikosta

Travelport br Assistant Company Secretary


BIZ Courier continuously progresses and provides more and more services on a daily basis. It supports us and always responds to our needs with immediacy, consistency and speed. Its continually updated website has made matters easier for us and helps us prepare our shipments within a few minutes, print our vouchers. In addition, we have access to immediate information of our shipment's cost and everything gets delivered. We can also check our account balance any time we want. The staff members are nice, polite and always willing to provide us for the best service.

Vasiliki Pagoni

Zamas Ltd br Order Proccesing


After a year of co-operation with you, I am very happy to review of our so far co-operation. At first, I would like to congratulate you on your willingness, commitment and the professional service that you offer our clients directly and us indirectly during the management and delivery of our orders.

Special recommendations should be given to Konstantinos Leontiadis who provides an excellent service especially regarding our communicationconcerning shipments and stock (storage) issues. Our customers often thank and congratulate us and this of course is also because of you for your swift delivery of the orders. As far as our stock management in your storage is concerning, you have indeed managed to provide advanced services of stock control and management using the simplest tools (Pegasus platform www.bizcourier.com.gr) and this makes our work far more easier.

We thank you and hope that your excellent service will be continued.

Armantos Katsioloudes

Cinnersstores br Support Team


Our option to select BIZ Courier for the redirection and shipment of our envelopes and other services was absolutely right. Biz Courier responded to our call through its Customer Service Department,answering any of our questions concerning the shipment, delivery, cost and the whole range of their services generally. Everything adheres to our agreement and of course we are totally satisfied by their services, co-operation and professionalism. BIZ Courier’s associates are efficiently qualified and they always support us with politeness and respect.

We wish BIZ Courier to continue its dynamic progress in the field it operates and maintain of course the high quality of its services.

Efstratios Malamos

FLEX OFFICE br Managing Director


For the past 8 years Grapsa Educational Group trusts only one enterprise for its shipments and this is BIZ Courier. Every year we expand in Attica and the provinces so our demands grow. BIZ Courier with its continuous evolving progress, provides more and more, supports us and always responds to our needs with immediacy, consistency and speed. It’s continually updated website has made matters easier for us. It only takes 5 minutes to prepare my shipments, print the vouchers and everything gets delivered. The staff members get better year by year and support us always with a big smile for our best service.

Well done and Bravo!!!!

Ageliki Kalaitzoglou

Grapsa Educational Group br Network Administrative Functions Manager


BIZ Courier has shown great flexibility and alacrity concerning the addressing of Military Club’s needs. Its executives are fully equipped while their immediate response to each one of our requests, their friendly and at the same time professional attitude always combined with a high level of quality and service is commendable. They truly support us with consistency and efficiency.

We thank you!

Zisis Michalopoulos

Military Club br CEO


BIZ Courier enterprise provides fast, trustful and economic service regarding the dispatch and delivery of any postal item to any destination. It takes one simple telephone call and a gentle polite and prompt staff member is ready to receive documents or parcels. Additionally, it provides valid details on any shipment’s progress and immediate online update on the delivery‘s accurate time.

Congratulations to the whole BIZ Courier’s team!

Garifallia Yuri

Cyprus Tourism Organization br Information Support Assistant/ Accountant


Our co-operation with BIZ Courier started 7 years ago and up to now it is the only express parcel distribution company we trust and have as a permanent associate. Your liability, your pleasant will for service, the immediate recommended resolutions to any possible problems may arise and the continuing improvement of your services are only few of the reasons that made us choose your company for our shipments’ service. Through all these years of our co-operation not once has a problem arisen concerning the timely deliveries even if the volume of our shipments may be big many times.

We thank you for your excellent co-operation and wish you are always pioneers in what you do.

Ioanna Loukaki

Farmer expo br Sales and Marketing Organization Consultant


Our co-operation with BIZ Courier has solved the significant problem of shipping and delivery of documents or parcels that we encountered as we are a company located in an east Aegean island. The immediate and friendly communication as well as the professional dealing with our needs result in fast and economic dispatch and delivery without lacking in quality.

Nectaria Kalisperi

ELEKTRO-LYSEIS br Electric Devices Sales and Service


Given the economic problems of the last few years we wanted to provide free shipping of our products throughout Greece. We had, therefore, to find a reliable but .......... economic courier!! We thought that this was not going to be an easy task !! However, our Cooperation with BizCourier made our “wishes" a reality!!

Reliability, professionalism, economy ........... !!!!!

We have been able to facilitate our customers by FREE direct delivery !!!

Thanks BIZ !!!



As a client of BIZ COURIER I felt moved to write this review of this company which provides a reliable, efficient and professional service! No consignment is too great or small for them! For instance, I have had them deliver a whole houseful of furniture abroad and a fragile electronic device all of which arrived completely intact. But I have also used them to deliver documents very near home! BIZ courier’s Personnel are friendly, polite and informative and always go that extra mile to provide the personal touch. Due to their tracking system, I am kept up to date with my consignment and its delivery date, very helpful considering my busy schedule! Yes, I would definitely recommend BIZ Courier to anyone!!

Jean Mayers

Пунктове, в които предоставяме услуги Fulfillment в цяла Европа:

Нашата визия за следващите години е да разширим нашите услугите във всички страни на Европейския съюз, като предлагаме експресни услуги и широка гама от опции за доставки на „последната миля“. По този начин ние предоставяме пряк достъп до електронната търговия от цял свят до възможно най-много европейски пазари. Освен това, разработването на собствен усъвършенстван софтуер за управление на складове, интегрирането на добавки във всички популярни платформи за електронна търговия (търговия на дребно и едро), интегрирането на системи с отворен код за предприятията, използващи собствени CRM и ERP и приложения като EasyBIZ за по-малките предприятия, представляват необходими предпоставки за създаването и предоставянето на успешни 4PL услуги.

Движеща сила за постигането на тази цел е нашият новаторски подход, желанието да предложим иновативно прежияване на нашите клиенти, като им предоставим инструментите за изпращане на техните продукти на пазари и места, до които никога не са смятали, че ще имат достъп до момента, без да губят ценно време и без да пилеят пари за ресурси, които иначе биха били неизгодни за техния бизнес.